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It would be nice to have a set of tasks that match up to some or all API calls on distributed concurrent version systems (DCVS) like Git, Mercurial, SVN, etc.

I could see using VisualCron for continuous integration (CI), versus the more difficult systems like Jenkins, CruiseControl, etc.

The basics would be the ability to push, pull, commit, etc... and visually see/use the various optional switches thereof. Also, some online repositories (like Kiln) require authorization/authentication (or use access token stored in the user's INI file) to do pulls, so the ability to configure this too would be necessary.

DCVS clients could be run from the Execute task to some capacity, but directly integrating it into tasks in VisualCron would bring all the other benefits that other tasks have.

One thing I am unsure of is that DCVSes have "web hooks". These are "post actions" in the DCVS which result in the DCVS calling a URL. The URL is hosted by the CI server, and when called, triggers a job run. I am pretty sure that VisualCron cannot be triggered from outside the server. However, that would be the cherry on the sundae to somehow have this. (See other feature request I posted today)
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