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Originally Posted by: keithdavis 

Well, darn, it's happening again this morning:

Computer: KDAVIS
Date/Time: 2012-12-12T04:00:43
Task: BackupRobocopy.exe
Executed at: 12/12/2012 4:00 AM
Task Error: The Job could not be started because the file could not be found. Please check the path.
Execute: C:\Users\keithdavis\Documents\Scripts\ServerVersions\BackupRobocopy.exe "Full Daily To File"

I still believe you have a possible profile issue going on. If you open a command prompt on the system running VisualCron, LOGGED IN AS THOSE CREDENTIALS, and copy/pasted this to run it, does it work or no?

C:\Users\keithdavis\Documents\Scripts\ServerVersions\BackupRobocopy.exe "Full Daily To File"

Also, Are the credentials you're running the job with 'keithdavis' or not? I know you've mentioned running the .exe(s) from other areas, but which areas? Have you tried C:\Temp ?

And, since its C:\Users\ that means its either Vista, Win7, Win8, or Windows Server 2008......Do you have UAC (User Account Control) still turned on? That can severely mess with untrusted programs.

Also, when you cleaned up the profile. how did you do it? Did you just log in with another admin account and delete the C:\Users\USERID\ folder, or did you actually use the "User Profiles" option within 'System Properties' to delete the profile (also takes care of the registry)?

EDIT: Sorry, keep adding to my questions. 🙂 One other thing, you never got to checking whether the 'Unblock' button existed or not on the EXE while logged in as the credentials VC is using (Unless you did after cleaning the profile). Can you check that now and confirm?

Henrik, can you remove the [Solved] text from the thread title. Still issues.
Final report:

My OS was completely hosed. The issue that I had with the credential's profile, started happening on ALL user profiles last week. I had to completely re-install Windows - something corruped the registry and all profile failed to load. Not a VisualCron problem in the end. Thanks for all of your help.
Thanks for the update!
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