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In v4 I'm seeing issues with the quality of information presented in the ResultImage, Execution Time and Last Run. For example, I had a job running and there were three tasks that had a ResultImage of running that weren't running at all and the task that was really running didn't have the image at all. I restarted the service to clean it up which caused us some downtime for a 24X7 process we are running. Some of the tasks had Execution Time and Last Run information that was incorrect. The tasks had just finished within the last 8 hours but the date/times were reflecting several days back.

Also, for one of the 24X7 jobs I have a trigger that looks for a file created with a specific mask. At the end of this same job, the job copies the file to this directory so that it will restart the job. It's been working fine until now all of a sudden its not restarting the job and the file clearly was created in the directory. To try to fix I've added another job that starts automatically when this job finishes that copies the file again hoping maybe two copies might get it working consistently.

I have another trigger that is to write a new file in case of error to a directory where another job polls for it. For some reason the polling job doesn't consistently recognize the file is there.

Are these just v4 issues that have been corrected or ?
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I think I may have solved the trigger issue, the server was turned off for some reason, must have happened with the last reset. I turned it back on so maybe that will fix my trigger issues. I still have one job though that shows to be running and it really isn't running and STOP TASK, STOP JOB isn't phasing it.
Thanks for the update. Sounds like a reasonable explanation.
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