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I have two jobs that have a trigger on another job that will start after that job finishes, but as soon as they start they are set to inactive so they won't run again. I know a job/trigger can be set to inactive if the trigger is invalid, but these are just triggered on another job. What could be causing these two jobs to be inactivated?
Forum information
There are generally two things;

1. an error occurs in the Trigger (check log file)
2. you have set Job to inactivate after first run (main settings)
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I have checked the logs and neither job logged any error. When I try to look at the job log for each job it shows nothing for today and doesn't allow me to change the date.

Also, I don't have the jobs to inactivate after first run. I have other jobs that are running fine but for some reason these two are failing.

I have had problems with other jobs that have file triggers on an ftp site and the ftp serve loses connection and that is what inactivates the job, but these are just triggered off of other jobs and are not throwing an error.

Is there extended logging that I can turn on that can tell me why a job is being inactivated?
Ok, I think I found it. I misunderstood about your comment about the main settings. I checked the main settings for the client application. When I checked the main settings for the individual job, there is a "Run Once" option and that was checked on both jobs.

Thanks for the help.

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