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One of my FTP tasks that copies file to a company FTP site ended with an error of

'FTP (IOException) connection error: An error occurred while starrting to receive replies from the command socket.'

Any idea what might cause this?
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Originally Posted by: stevja01 

One of my FTP tasks that copies file to a company FTP site ended with an error of

'FTP (IOException) connection error: An error occurred while starrting to receive replies from the command socket.'

Any idea what might cause this?

Is this a consistent failure, or a one-time deal and it works if you try it now without changing anything?

Seems to be working just fine now. I changed the security on the folder where the files are that are FTP'd (as sometimes I've seen that cause an issue) and I updated my On Error tab to retry 2X in case of failure. Of course, the one time it failed on us was this weekend when we had a major issue with our client's database space. I think now it should be okay since I have it retrying 2X.
Ok. I was going to suggest turning on the Debugging options for logging and try again if it was still failing. If its working, however, i'd lean towards a glitch or as you mentioned, the permissions on the folder.

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