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We're having unexpected results from the rename file mask of the PGP decrypt task. We're decrypting a file named "Daily Portfolio.xls" and adding the date into the name before archiving (e.g. Daily Portfolio_20141008.xls). Until we upgraded to 7.2.1 from 7.1.6, it was working fine. Now the resulting filename is tfolio_20141008.o.xls. The destination file mask we're using is *_{DATEFORMAT(yyyyMMdd)}.* and we're basing the name on the inner file.

So I ran some tests. Here are some test file masks and their resulting filename, using the input of an encrypted file named Daily Portfolio.xls:

y PortfolioTEST.o.xls

Daily PortfolioTEST

Daily PortfolioTEST

PortfolioTESTo.o.xls (first character of file name is a space)

Portfolio_TEST.o.xls (first character of file name is a space)

It seems to be a bug in the way it handles filenames with a space in them. I've confirmed that it jumbles up the names of other files with spaces in their names. Thoughts?

Forum information
We are investigating this. We are now folling the standards of the REN command but we will make this optional in next update.
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