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Dave Birchak
I'm evaluating VisualCron and starting with an SNMP Get Task.
I receive the following error.

Are there additional libs or plugins for VisualCron I need to install? Native SNMP is installed and working on the server.
Forum information
Try increasing timeout value. Double check and use IP instead of DNS name.
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Dave Birchak
Thank you for the quick reply. A little more details on on steps I've taken to troubleshoot this.

Tried variations of the following.
Changed timeout to 2 minutes in both tasks and timeout tabs.
hostname and IP
Various MIB-II OIDs and Textual-names
snmp v1 and v2c
snmpget, getnext etc..
I'm able to perform manual snmpgets to verify not network related issues.
I'm currently installing wireshark to see what the network is seeing.
Here is the full task output. I'm using VisualCron - Client - 7.6.5 on a windows 2008 R2 SP1 server.
Exception in Task: Exception of type 'Lextm.SharpSnmpLib.Messaging.SharpTimeoutException' was thrown.
Exception of type 'Lextm.SharpSnmpLib.Messaging.SharpTimeoutException' was thrown.

I would guess it cannot reach the destination. Have you tried to telnet on the same port from the VC server?
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Dave Birchak
ok problem resolved. Looking at the wireshark capture I see the snmp get is using port 162 instead of port 161.
I don't know how I missed it but it appears the SNMP task defaults to snmp trap port 162.
Changed it in advanced setting and works perfect!
Thank you for your help!
Dave Birchak
ok problem resolved. Looking at the wireshark capture I see the snmp get is using port 162 instead of port 161.
I don't know how I missed it but it appears the SNMP task defaults to snmp trap port 162.
Changed it in advanced setting and works perfect!
Now I need to figure out how to get the results into a flat file. Do you have any links to docs demonstrate how to store output from tasks into flat files?

Thank you for your help!
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