Community forum

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Mike Atkin
I'd like to request the ability to not only ping an IP address, but to check whether a particular port is allowing connection and to have this recorded in the log.

I currently use the software to ping IP addresses and alert users when no connection is available, however it would be useful to have this feature as occasionally ports have been closed but the ping carries on picking up the active IP address.

Many thanks

Forum information
We do this using a Powershell script called from Visual Cron

param (
[string[]]$test = "",
[string[]]$test = "localhost:10000"
[string[]]$test = "localhost:2306"

Foreach ($t in $test)
$source = $t.Split(':')[0]
$port = $t.Split(':')[1]

Write-Host "Connecting to $source on port $port"

$socket = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient($source, $port)
catch [Exception]
Write-Host $_.Exception.GetType().FullName
Write-Host $_.Exception.Message

Write-Host "Connected`n"

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