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Would be nice if the UI view for a given user client was sticky, meaning groups and jobs that are collapsed/expanded stick whenever the user logs in.

So basically these would be view preferences that it remembers when you log in so the view is exactly how you left it. We have a server with many client's jobs and analysts who manage only a specific client. Having to weed through all the jobs it time consuming and confusing for them.

In addition to this request, if the grid filter would stick or there was a way to save searches and have them run by default, that'd be really powerful.

So if a user only cares about one set of jobs with the same thing in the name, they could save that as a filter and apply it by default so their view of the jobs is always only what they need to look at.

I see both of these requests as similar in nature so I combined them into one feature request.
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Yes agreed, also a way to pin a job to the grid so that it stay on the screen regardless of other searches/filters.

Sometimes want to copy from one job to another and it helps to see both on the screen at the same time
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