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It's always fun to guess which features take the server as their reference point, and which ones take the client.

In the case of the File|Export option from the Log window, apparently it is the server. This is a bit irritating when I'm looking at the log remotely, using the client GUI. There are work-arounds (I could export to a location on the server and then set up a fileshare or connect using Remote Desktop so I can get it onto my client), but it would be nice if the export locations offered included client filesystem locations. Not a biggie, but it would be nice.

In contrast, when I include a variable, {COMPUTER(Name)}, in one of my jobs, it is displayed as my client computer name when I review the task - but I recall from doing this before, that when the job actually runs, the server computer name is the one that is substituted. This is very confusing. I'm always second guessing my variables until I get a chance to actually test the job and confirm whether the server or the client is referenced at runtime.


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