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We have a suite of tasks/jobs that generate an XML output, which describes whether the task was successful, had warnings and/or errors (specific tags for each). We have found the return codes from this executable to not be consistent, so we are only able to send success, warning or error notifications by creating new jobs that each have a specific condition set that checks for the presence of particular XML tags in the output and sends the appropriate notification email. Currently, we use the VC condition type to check if each task output contains the desired tag (e.g. <Result>Success</Result>). This approach requires a several additional notification jobs for each original job, which really adds to the complexity of our VC batch.

Would it be possible to update the On Error tab to include an Error cause that mimics the VC condition type that checks if the task output is/is not/contains a particular string? Ideally, it would be useful if we could specify multiple error causes based different strings (e.g. <Result>Success</Result>, <Error>True</Error>, etc.) and on error pass the error cause details, as a variable, to the notifications functionality so it can be included in an email or log file. Thanks.
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