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We would like a feature where you can stop jobs from running, allow any currently running jobs to continue, and then when you start jobs up again to allow jobs that were missed to run.

Consider this scenario:

Job#1: Runs daily at 1:00pm
Job#2: Runs daily at 1:10pm
Job#3: Runs daily at 1:20pm
Job#4: Runs daily at 1:30pm

At 1:05pm I would like to initiate a request to stop any new jobs from running and to allow currently running jobs to finish. This would allow Job#1 to finish running and it would prevent Job#2, Job#3, Job#4 from running.

After Job#1 finishes running I may do some maintenance which I finish up at 1:25.

At 1:25 I want to initiate a request to start up jobs again. When I do this I want Job#2 and Job#3 to run.

Here is what I have tried:
I have tried using the Server [On]/Server [Off] button. However this will not run missed jobs. I confirmed this with a test and your documentation indicates that this is so.

I have also tried stopping the server service. Your documentation indicates that when this occurs that missed jobs will run. This works. However, there is another problem with this scenario. In my test when I stopped the service it also abrubtly stopped any jobs that were currently running. Therefore this solution doesn't work either.

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