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J Kruger
Log files are an integral part of our Visual Cron jobs - in fact most of our jobs have a Write File task to write to a log file. Because of the way the variables are currently set up (very comprehensively I hasten to add) we have to drill down into each job task / trigger to get the information for our logs. This, as you can imagine, is repetitive and tedious and leaves us open to error.

What we would like to see are "generic" LOG variables added to the "Active" job node (so that we don't have to find the job / task id by drilling down into the variables only for that job / task) OR a new options window in the Main Settings dialogue.

Either of these options w ould allow us to set up the information we need for our logs with only a few clicks of the mouse OR allow us to copy and paste a set of Active Job variables into each of our Write File tasks.

We realise that everyone's needs are different but I'm sure there are common logging requirements - for instance for Copy File tasks - source file, file name, destination file and so on.

This is the kind of thing we'd like to be able to simply copy and paste: (example)

{job(active|Task1|item1|source)} - File: {job(active|Task1|item1|FileName)} to {job(active|Task1|item1|Destination)}
{job(active|Task1|item2|source)} - File: {job(active|Task1|item2|FileName)} to {job(active|Task1|item2|Destination)}

I hope what I'm suggesting reads clearly!

Many thanks

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