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I know I had sent an e-mail to support about a year or so ago regarding this, but I wasn't aware of the forums back then. I work for a fairly large company and it would be a great option to be able to set up user premissions based on Active Directory. That way we do not have to manage user ID's locally on the server. For instance, if you were a member of the domain group "VC_Read_Only" you could be given a certain set of permissions within VC that let you view/read job info but not actually make any changes. On the other hand, if you were logged into your computer as Joe and Joe is a member of the Domain Group "VC_Admin" then when the client is launched, Joe would have full admin privelages to make changes within VC.

We have different groups here that need to be able to access the server and due to our security restrictions, I cannot create a generic user that a department can use to check job status, etc.. I have to create an ID for each user that wants to check, and even then, that ID/password could be shared by someone and I wouldn't know it. if Active Directory is available for authentication, we could have better control over permissions and logging who was on the server, etc.. The main issue is login authenticaion and the use of locally managed ID's. So far i have limited use to only 10 people becuase I do not want to have to manage ID's/PW's. We have to change passwords every 30 days and I can't dedicate that sort of time :-({|=


Brian / ChevyNovaLN
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