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  •  ErikC
  • Paid support Topic Starter

I have a task that produces output in three ways:
1. an empty line with newline char
2. no output
3. a string with newline char

I only want to run the next task based on output no. 3

I can check if the output 'is not' empty
So the next tasks will run for no.1 and no.3

I need one more check to discard no.1


Should be something like String(Trim|{taskoutput})} != ""

To be able to do this I need an extra check in the visualcron condition types in where I can set up both sides of the operator (==,>,<,!=,contains,...)

If this is the case than this post can be moved to the feature request. If not and somebody knows how to solve this, I'm all ears.

Uses Visualcron since 2006.
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Hi Erik

I have missed this feature many times, since I do a lot of dos/VBS processing, which always returns at least a newline.

Anyways, the only way I see possible is to trim the output to a user variable, and let the condition check on this.

  •  ErikC
  • Paid support Topic Starter
Hi hawkings,

Yes, that could be it. 😎

I did however changed the 1st process in my situation.
Now only no.2 and no.3 can occur.

This can be checked with the 'empty' output check. So I'm happy at the moment.

But the functionality to do a custom test, editing both sides of the operator and the operator itself, would make jobs easier.

So this post can be a feature request than.

Uses Visualcron since 2006.
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