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  •  Jon
  • No customer Topic Starter
Anybody run into this one? On the first line of this intializing code sample (vb/, I get that cryptic 'Operation could destabilize the runtime' error.

Dim c As New Client
Dim conn As New Connection
conn.ConnectionType = Connection.ConnectionT.Remote
Dim s As Server = c.Connect(conn, True)

Under troubleshooting tips it says "Make sure your application is not loading two conflicting versions of a class library".

I had this code chuck in two different subroutines in my code, and all was fine. Then I took it out of those two subroutines, added a new one, and put the code in there. Rebuilt, and I get this. I've tried deleting/re-adding the references, using different copies of the .dll(s)'s weird!
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