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This is my first time setting IMAP4 trigger. Our exchange wasn't set up for IMAP before but all the related services are now started. I can connect to the IMAP account using Thunderbird.

Now, when I use the same credentials with VisualCron, I get the following...
3/8/2011 4:17:03 PM Err Trigger error: Error in Mail Trigger (1), ex: A0003 BAD Command received in Invalid state.

Any idea what could be going on? Does this have anything to do with SSL? If so then which of the following will work with VisualCron?

1. Set-ImapSettings -LoginType PlainTextLogin
2. Set-ImapSettings -LoginType PlainTextAuthentication
3. Set-ImapSettings -LoginType SecureLogin

Thunderbird does indicate that its connecting using 'STARTTLS'.

Any help would be appreciated!

EDIT: Thunderbird can also connect using the 'SSL' option instead of 'STARTTLS' but not using 'None'.

I found the following in your change logs..

5.4.7 [2009-11-28] -FEATURE] Client/Server: Added TLS and explicit/implicit method for SMTP (Google SMTP requirements TLS+implict+port 465). Note, if you previously used SSL in IMAP/POP3/SMTP you need to select SSL in Encryption tab of Connection settings and press update on your Connection.

My problem could be that I am not seeing a "Encryption" tab in IMAP... It only exists in SMTP.

When I telnet to port 143 and issue command ". login <username> <password>", I get the same error back -- "BAD Command received in Invalid state"


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This was later resolved by exposing a hidden property and changing to port 993.
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Thanks to Support for resolving this. The [Encryption] tab was missing in IMAP4. Setting it to "SSL" in the server config file and changing the port from default to 993 worked!

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