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This request for improvement to the decryption/encryption task is based on the fact that the typical practice when encrypting/decrypting with the PGP method is to add a .pgp extension to the base filename when encrypting and remove a .pgp extension when decrypting. An alternative extension such as .asc may be used, but the idea is the same; the extension is added when encrypting and removed when decrypting.

Currently (as I understand it), VisualCron requires both the "input" filename (File Filter Include file mask) and the "output" filename (Destination file mask) to be explicitly defined. This creates problems in situations where the base filename includes variable components such as a date stamp or sequence number. 😕

I would like as an alternative to providing an explicitly defined destination file mask, the option to check a box on the encryption/decryption Main Settings tab that would instruct the task to automatically add (in the case of encryption) or remove (in the case of decryption) a configurable extension (including the dot) from the filename (include file mask) defined on the File filter tab. I suggest using .pgp as the default extension.

To be useful, this automatic add/remove of extension needs to properly handle wildcards (* ? regex) and VisualCron variables in the base (include file mask) filename. 👍
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