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Hey guys/gals,
VC Version: 6.0.6
(Will be updating to 6.1.4 once thats out of BETA)

I have been using VisualCron for quite some time, but when it gets down to it, i've really never gotten into using Variables as well as many of the advanced options.

I have a request to do something that I know I could do if I used PowerShell to do it, but i'm quite sure VisualCron can handle this with strategic use of Variables along with multiple tasks. I'm looking for direction on what I'd need to do, to accomplish the following:

1. Watch a share, i.e. \\server\share\folder\
2. For every *.TIF (case not sensitive) file in above share/folder Move it to \\server2\share2\
3. For every *.TIF file moved, also create a corresponding (same name) .TRG file So, if there were a Filename1.TIF, i'd move Filename1.TIF to \\server2\share2\ and then also create a Filename1.TRG

I'm sure this is quite easy, i've just not done it and would LOVE to start doing some more stuff like this. I've been given until 11-1-2012 to get a process in place and I could do it in Powershell in about 5 minutes or less, just thought i'd give VC's vast capabilities a chance.

BTW, other than the \\server\share\ and \\server2\share2\, this does describe exactly what I need. Move TIF files from one share to another, and place an equally named TRG file for each one so another process can pick 'em up.

Look forward to your responses!

Forum information
Hi Brian,

I would take a look at the video tutorial first for File Trigger. It gives basic info about using Variables from the File Trigger. Then please follow up this post if you have more questions: 
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Originally Posted by: Support 

Hi Brian,

I would take a look at the video tutorial first for File Trigger. It gives basic info about using Variables from the File Trigger. Then please follow up this post if you have more questions: 

Hah.. Video Tutorials... who'da thunkit. I dunno why I never even realized those existed. Thanks Henrik, i'll begin watching right now :)

Well that wasn't too difficult at all :)

1. Create File Trigger:
a. Folder: C:\Temp\Source
b. File Mask: *.TIF

2. Create "Move Files" Task (File Copy Task)
a. Folder: {TRIGGER(Active|LastTrigger|File.Result.Folder)}
b. File Mask: {TRIGGER(Active|LastTrigger|File.Result.Name)}
CopySettings | Destination: C:\Temp\Destination\
CopySettings | file mask: *
Delete source file after copy | checked

3. Create "Create TRG File" Task (Write File Task)
a. File Path: {REGEX(Replace|C:\Temp\Destination\{TRIGGER(Active|LastTrigger|File.Result.Name)}|.txt|.TRG)}

Voila! :)

Thanks Henrik. BTW, it might be my place of work's internet filter, but the tutorial video has no forward/back/etc options, is that by design? All I could do was pause it, so I had to watch the video a couple times to see one specific spot due to looking away for a sec.

Glad it was resolved! There should be buttons at bottom. You can also grab the slider to jump around.
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