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I am building an application with the API to connect to multiple VisualCron servers and monitor their jobs. This application appears to work fine with the latest version of the API and server (8.0.x). In production, though, our VisualCron servers are not all running the same version, with some on 8.0.x, and others on 7.x and 6.x. We've found that when we try to connect to the servers running 7.x with the application we get a timeout error. Is it possible for the 8.0.x version of the API to connect to servers running an earlier version? Or is there another way for our application to be able to connect to all our servers?

If it's not possible for the API to connect to different versions of the server, and we need to upgrade the servers, how close do the API and server versions need to be to still be compatible? It appears that the API has worked with the last couple updates as long as both were 8.0.x. Will this continue to be the case, and will minor revisions (8.x) also work, or major revisions (9, 10, etc.)?


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