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Kevin R
I've been using mailgun for a solution that I provide for a little bit. I'd like to start using their API instead of just SMTP, but I'm having some trouble figuring out the correct place for each of the settings. Has anyone successfully utilized mailgun with VisualCron?

Here are the examples they provide for sending via cURL:
curl -s --user 'api:YOUR_API_KEY' \  \
-F from='Excited User <mailgun@YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME>' \
-F \
-F subject='Hello' \
-F text='Testing some Mailgun awesomness!'
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I haven't used it before but just tried it by calling a PHP script from Visual Cron and it worked
Kevin R
Originally Posted by: al355 

I haven't used it before but just tried it by calling a PHP script from Visual Cron and it worked

Ah, I don't have PHP setup on the server I'm running. I guess I need to set it up. Is the PHP script configured completely in VisualCron? Or do you setup a separate fil that is called?
Not suggesting you do it through PHP just I tried it as we are already calling PHP scripts.
Maybe call via a batch file?
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