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I have a report directory variable that I reference when writing files and then when attaching those files to an e-mail. I was searching for all instances of the variable name, and it found the ones in the FileWrite tasks, but not in the Email tasks. Version 8.2.1.

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Which property of the Email Task?
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Hi, Henrik.

Within the Edit Task window:
Email tab
Attachments sub-tab
Double-click on the row for a specific attachment (Add/Update attachment window)
Location tab
Folder property.

I have a Folder value of {USEVAR(ReportsTempDir)} in this Email Task.

An Object search for ReportsTempDir, with all search options checked, shows only the variable definition itself and the VisualCronTaskFileWriteClass that references it in the File path property of the Write file tab of the Write file Task.

I see that both tasks are in the same job, and the Write file Task comes earlier than the Email Task. Maybe that has something to do with it?
I also see that there are two identical entries found for the Write file Task. I tried changing the string in one of them, and it doesn't change it in both, so they are two distinct finds, but they are not adequately identified. Identification needs to include the job (I have two jobs that are identical except for which database they connect to, so the finds look identical), and ideally, the server, as well (I access development, Validation, and Production servers from the same VisualCron client).



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