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All of my Visual Cron jobs are triggered by a flag file being created in a location on the server. However, i cannot see a way to generate an email notification if the trigger file has not been created by a specified time and therefore the job has not run.

Seems like it should be standard functionality but, not sure how to implement. Any ideas or advice?
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Sounds like you could use a trigger timeout
Originally Posted by: al355 

Sounds like you could use a trigger timeout

Thanks for the reply. Can you elaborate? As far as i can see the only action upon specifying a timeout period is to 'fire' the trigger. This is not what we're trying to achieve here. We need to be notified if a job has not run by a specific time.
You could have another job which checks the status of this trigger at a specific time or a job which activates this one and then the trigger expires.

For example

Job A activates job B at 10am
Job B has a file trigger
Job B has an expiry on the trigger at 1 hour

At 11am if Job B's trigger has not fired it sends an alert
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