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Mark Johnson

Is there any way to make a task always run last in a list of tasks for a job without renumbering the task to be last every time?[-o<

I have a job that has 130+ email tasks setups for emailing files once a day. After I email out all the files, I have one task that takes all the files and moves them to a backup location. There are a few people who add new email tasks to this process during the week and I know the final task will not always be renumbered to be last every time.

I guess I could schedule another job to run sometime after the first email job runs, but I was hoping to have it all contained in one job.


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hmm, maby this will work:

two jobs, one with the email tasks and one with the archiving.
The 1st job has a task of writing a trigger file at the 1st task
The 2nd jobs is triggered by this file
In the 2nd job use a condition to check if job 1 is running, if so, run job 2 again, if not process the other tasks in the 2nd job.
In this job there should also be a task deleting the trigger file.

I think (didn't tested this) that this should work for you.

Uses Visualcron since 2006.
Mark Johnson

Thanks. I do believe that will work.

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