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I have two servers with VisualCron 7.1.2 installed. My goal is to have Server A remotely initiate a job on Server B. I have created a job on Server A and added a "Job/Task control" task.

I then went to the "Job/Task Control" tab of this task and selected "Remote VisualCron Server" as the "VisualCron Server location" and I clicked on the connections button to add a connection of the type "VisualCron."

When I try to then click "reload" on the task configuration page, I get the error message "Login failed, reason: No such user"

On Server B, I have gone to "User permissions" and I have set up two different options - one is a domain account and one I simply made up a name and password. I've plugged both of these into the credentials tab on the connection from Server A but always get the specified error message above.

When I look at the "Remote VisualCron Server" selection on Server A's Job/Task control it looks like this:

servername.domain [domain\username@:16444] or servername.domain [username@:16444] (depending on which account I've configured for the connection to use.

Also, I've tried using the IP address of Server B instead of the FQDN. When I did this, it threw the error "Server actively refused connection" once and also has thrown the "No such user" error.

One more thing - as suggested in another post somewhere, I was able to initiate a telnet connectino to serverip:16444 - it doesn't do anything, but appears to connect (when I try another random port it just disconnects).

I would appreciate any advice or assistance with this. The reason we're doing this instead of simply executing a remote batch file is because the particular batch file code doesn't seem to work properly when it is remotely executed (it is Hyperion ODI). We can remotely run batch files that do other things, but for some reason this particular code simply will not work with this method (we've tried login, login local, and login local plus load profile, none of which work for this code).

Thanks in advance!
Forum information
Remote execution requires a user that uses VisualCron authentication. AD authentication will not work as it is executed by the Windows service.
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OK - when you say "VisualCron authentication" what exactly do you mean? On Server B I went into "User permissions" and set up what I thought was a local account called "remote" and I set the password to the same. I still got a "No Such User." I've just now gone back in and tried using the account "admin" with no password (which looked like it was a default account with no password). Now when I click "reload" under the "Job" section, it does not give me an error. However, when I drop down the job list, I still see only the local jobs.
Originally Posted by: sfdevlin 


OK - when you say "VisualCron authentication" what exactly do you mean? On Server B I went into "User permissions" and set up what I thought was a local account called "remote" and I set the password to the same. I still got a "No Such User." I've just now gone back in and tried using the account "admin" with no password (which looked like it was a default account with no password). Now when I click "reload" under the "Job" section, it does not give me an error. However, when I drop down the job list, I still see only the local jobs.

VisualCron authentication - this is the default "admin" account with a blank password
AD authentication - this is if you use AD for authentication to gain access in the Client

Only VisualCron authentication works for Job/Task control Task so it means that a user with VC auth needs to be setup at remote server and that you need to create a VisualCron Connection that uses the same user on the remote machine.
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