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You can renew one or more of your server licenses as follows:
1. Log in to your VisualCron account on VisualCron forum.
2. Go to My Pages-> My Licenses on the VisualCron website in the top right hand corner of the menu.
3. You can see a list of all your licenses. In the 'End User Licenses' section, click on 'renew now' link in 'Maintenance Expiration' column.
4. You will be directed to the order page. You can add more items to your cart if you wish.
Please note that you need to renew your license for every server separately. You can add all items to your cart.

Maintenance association
Whenever an existing user wants to renew his license, he has to associate the newly purchased license with his existing license. This is refered to as ’Maintenance Association’.This is done on the ’My Licenses’ page.Please find the steps below:

5. Purchase a new maintenance license by using the ’My order’ page.
6. After it’s done, go to the ’My Licenses’ page. Scroll down to ’Associate Codes’ section.
7. The newly purchased maintenance code will appear in the ’Select a maintenance code’ drop down. Select the code you want to associate.
8. Select the existing server license from the next drop down for which you want to renew this maintenance.
9. Click on ’Associate Codes

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