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I got the following warning message when I registered and exported type lib from VisualCron.dll using the RegAsm.exe tool. Is it trivial warnings?

C:\Program Files\VisualCron>regasm visualcron.dll /tlb

Type library exporter warning processing 'VisualCron.JobClass+_JobClass.get_Task
s(#0), VisualCron'. Warning: Type library exporter encountered a generic type in
stance in a signature. Generic code may not be exported to COM.
Type library exporter warning processing 'VisualCron.JobClass+_JobClass.set_Task
s(value), VisualCron'. Warning: Type library exporter encountered a generic type
instance in a signature. Generic code may not be exported to COM.
Assembly exported to 'C:\Program Files\VisualCron\visualcron.tlb', and the type
library was registered successfully
Forum information
The warnings are OK. They only refer to functions we have exposed that cannot be used through come. From time to time we clean up and fix these warnings but it is nothing you have to worry about.
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