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We are running a SQL query task that succeeds on one server but fails on the other. In each case, the SQL connection is pointing to a local MS SQL instance.

SQL Connections are setup identically, Jobs/tasks are set up identically. The job/query succeeds on one server, fails on the other.

How can we troubleshoot an error 77777?

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Are you connecting to sql server using windows authentication? If so, my guess is that the user on on one of the servers has fewer rights than the other. I assume you have tested that the connection itself and it works.
No, on both machines we are connecting to SQL with the "sa" account - administrator.

By the way, the machine it works on is Windows 10 and the one it doesn't work on is Windows 2012 R2.
Ok, then I would check the windows event log for failed login attemps. You can filter on MSSQLSERVER events. If nothing there, I would turn on extended debugging in VisualCron and see if there is anything there. If you have SSMS installed on the server, I would go in there and see if the query executes as it should.

We seemed to have "resolved" this problem, but in a weird way. I went into the task, cut the SQL query text, switched to the Stored Procedures tab and selected a SP that effectively runs the same code as the query. I ran the task and it went through successfully. Then I went back in and cleared the Stored Procedure selection and pasted back the same query I had cut previously. I ran the task and it went through successfully.

This is very weird behavior and leaves me with the concern that at any point in time it could fail again for no apparent reason.

VC Support - Can you shed any light on this behavior?
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