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  •  ErikC
  • Paid support Topic Starter

I have a Sharepoint connection configured and I want to update a custom list item using the Update list item task.
In the Litem item Id (full path) field, you can select the item using the Sharepoint object browser button.

If I browse to the correct list and item I see in the browser: [SITE1]/[SITE2]//Lists/[LISTNAME]/[ID_.000]

When I double click the right item I see in the undelying text field this as result: /[SITE1]/[SITE2][LISTNAME]/[ID]
If you refresh the fields it gives you an error:
Unhandled error occured while trying to refresh, error: The list \[SITE1]\[SITE2][LISTNAME] doesn't exsist on the site with the URL http://[SERVER]/[SITE1]/[SITE2].

To make it work change the List item Id (full path) to: [LISTNAME]/[ID]

Something to fix in a next rellease.

Uses Visualcron since 2006.
Forum information
I think this is related to how you have defined the host address. Some users use site path in host address and some not.
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  •  ErikC
  • Paid support Topic Starter
Hi Henrik,

Isn't this something VC should handle, as you provide the popup to select an item.

If you setup the connection to a subsite of a subsite http://[SERVER]/[SITE1]/[SITE2] and use the browse method, it failes. Also there is a missing a slash between the site and the listname. Looks like it removed the /Lists/ part out of the path.
The label says: (full path) .. but that's not true, it's relative to the connection... and you have to dismiss the 'Lists' in the path.

I might be overeacting here a bit (sorry) but the browser gives more lists to select than you can use in the task. You can select the masterpages list (/_catalogs/..) but you can not access them in the task by changing the path manually as I did in my 1st post. The list must be in the /Lists/ folder I believe.

For real Lists items this task works, the browser should not show more to choose from than needed and the selection of the right item should give a right path in the text field.

Uses Visualcron since 2006.
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