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Neil Frost
I have a task that should run a test.bat file on a remote server.
This test.bat file only appends "This is a test" to a text file.
Visual Cron says it starts, but it never runs.

I receive a "Process with Id: 1234 was started successfully"

I'm not sure why it isn't working... can someone help please?

Remote Execute
Forum information
I am sure it runs (as you get the process id) - but it is probably not doing what you are expecting it to do.

Most likely scenarious;

1. the file is not in the right place on the remote server
2. the user does not have the permission to launch the file where it is located
3. the user does not have the permission write to the file you have in the script
4. the path to the file you want to write to is relative and not absolute which results in not being found - use the full path
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Neil Frost
Hi, I'm running as a domain admin with full permissions to all files and folders. I've tried other accounts that also have all access permisions.
It is hard to say as it comes down to permissions which is local to the user or server. I would test creating a new local admin user on the remote server.
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