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Hi VC Support Team,

We have a task setup in Visual Cron 8.2.0. The function of this task is to run a Micro file and an excel file ( Output file ) should be created. When the task is completed, the task is displaying the below error:

ExecuteProcess("D:\Nielsen\VisualCron\\TaskOfficeMacrox86.exe" 270863)->RunExcelMacro->COMException
ExecuteProcess("D:\Nielsen\VisualCron\\TaskOfficeMacrox86.exe" 270863)->RunExcelMacro->Error closing workbook:

Adding to that, we are receiving the output file in the target path but the process ( excel.exe ) is not getting closed in the Task Manager.

Below is the error log for your reference:
ExecuteProcess("D:\Nielsen\VisualCron\\TaskOfficeMacrox86.exe" 270863)->RunExcelMacro->COMException System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x800A9C68): Exception from HRESULT: 0x800A9C68
at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.ApplicationClass.Run(Object Macro, Object Arg1, Object Arg2, Object Arg3, Object Arg4, Object Arg5, Object Arg6, Object Arg7, Object Arg8, Object Arg9, Object Arg10, Object Arg11, Object Arg12, Object Arg13, Object Arg14, Object Arg15, Object Arg16, Object Arg17, Object Arg18, Object Arg19, Object Arg20, Object Arg21, Object Arg22, Object Arg23, Object Arg24, Object Arg25, Object Arg26, Object Arg27, Object Arg28, Object Arg29, Object Arg30)
at TaskOfficeMacro.OfficeMacro.aHie8LA35() - maybe Microsoft Office is not installed? This Task requires Microsoft Office being installed.
ExecuteProcess("D:\Nielsen\VisualCron\\TaskOfficeMacrox86.exe" 270863)->RunExcelMacro->Error closing workbook: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80010108): The object invoked has disconnected from its clients. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80010108 (RPC_E_DISCONNECTED))
at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel._Workbook.set_Saved(Boolean RHS)
at TaskOfficeMacro.OfficeMacro.aHie8LA35()
ExecuteProcess("D:\Nielsen\VisualCron\\TaskOfficeMacrox86.exe" 270863)->Unhandled execution error: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x800A9C68): Exception from HRESULT: 0x800A9C68
at TaskOfficeMacro.OfficeMacro.aHie8LA35()
at TaskOfficeMacro.OfficeMacro.ihP8XFo36QSu1QWF5S()
at TaskOfficeMacro.OfficeMacro.lWlrpRUbL()
at HZFLTk7hOnthJobGiC.tqqcGK4TBxbyluGAd5.EiKj0W7IF(String[] )

Kindly treat this as high priority and guide us here.
Forum information
Make sure you do not Close the workbook in the macro.
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