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A. Pechanek
Hi team,
As the (task/job) flows are processed in the entered order, we would appreciate if you would implement possibility to change the order of the Flow from UI (In a similar way as with tasks).

Because currently, if I have 4 flows and need to have the last one first, then I have to remove all the flows and set-up them again in a correct order.

Forum information
Originally Posted by: A. Pechanek 

Hi team,
As the (task/job) flows are processed in the entered order, we would appreciate if you would implement possibility to change the order of the Flow from UI (In a similar way as with tasks).

Because currently, if I have 4 flows and need to have the last one first, then I have to remove all the flows and set-up them again in a correct order.


Wanted to add to this request. For re-ordering the items in the FLOW, can you do it by "number". Similar to how tasks are ordered today, by number.

Example flow:
- Created the following flow
#1 On error send email
#2 On success run task ABC
#3 On complete output = "fred" run task "123"

Now I want to change the order (I would change the order number - just like changing the order of tasks)

#1 On complete is output = "fred" run task "123"
#2 On success run task ABC
#3 On error send email

Thank you,

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