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VisualCron 8.5.5

Trying to connect to Sftp with userid / password

after serveal Log messages final message appears.

SBSimpleSftp.EElSimpleSFTPClientError: Connection lost due to error 96273
at SBSimpleSftp.TElSimpleSFTPClient.DoSend(Object Sender, Byte[] Buffer)
at SBSSHCommon.TElSSHClass.DoSend(Byte[] Buffer, Int32 Size)
at SBSSHClient.TElSSHClient.SSH2SendOnTransportLayer(Int32 Size)
at SBSSHClient.TElSSHClient.SSH2SendDisconnect(Int32 ReasonCode, Byte[] Desc)
at SBSSHClient.TElSSHClient.PerformClose(Boolean Forced, String CloseReason)
at SBSSHClient.TElSSHClient.SSH2ContinueAuthentication(String AuthTypes)
at SBSSHClient.TElSSHClient.SSH2ParseServerUserauthFailure(Byte[] Buffer, Int32 Size)
at SBSSHClient.TElSSHClient.SSH2ParseOnUserauthLayer(Byte[] Buffer, Int32 Size)
at SBSSHClient.TElSSHClient.SSH2ParseOnTransportLayer(Byte[] Buffer, Int32 Size)
at SBSSHClient.TElSSHClient.AnalyseBuffer()
at SBSSHClient.TElSSHClient.DataAvailable()
at SBSimpleSftp.TElSimpleSFTPClient.DataAvailable()
at SBSimpleSftp.TElSimpleSFTPClient.DoMessageLoop()
at SBSimpleSftp.TElSimpleSFTPClient.Open()
at ctlRemoteBrowser.ConnectThread(Object o_id) in C:\git\code\VisualCron\AnyConnect\ctlRemoteBrowser.vb:line 1640

what is the neaning of this error, what is to be done to have connection?
Forum information
Originally Posted by: tgrossal 

VisualCron 8.5.5

Trying to connect to Sftp with userid / password

after serveal Log messages final message appears.

SBSimpleSftp.EElSimpleSFTPClientError: Connection lost due to error 96273
at SBSimpleSftp.TElSimpleSFTPClient.DoSend(Object Sender, Byte[] Buffer)
at SBSSHCommon.TElSSHClass.DoSend(Byte[] Buffer, Int32 Size)
at SBSSHClient.TElSSHClient.SSH2SendOnTransportLayer(Int32 Size)
at SBSSHClient.TElSSHClient.SSH2SendDisconnect(Int32 ReasonCode, Byte[] Desc)
at SBSSHClient.TElSSHClient.PerformClose(Boolean Forced, String CloseReason)
at SBSSHClient.TElSSHClient.SSH2ContinueAuthentication(String AuthTypes)
at SBSSHClient.TElSSHClient.SSH2ParseServerUserauthFailure(Byte[] Buffer, Int32 Size)
at SBSSHClient.TElSSHClient.SSH2ParseOnUserauthLayer(Byte[] Buffer, Int32 Size)
at SBSSHClient.TElSSHClient.SSH2ParseOnTransportLayer(Byte[] Buffer, Int32 Size)
at SBSSHClient.TElSSHClient.AnalyseBuffer()
at SBSSHClient.TElSSHClient.DataAvailable()
at SBSimpleSftp.TElSimpleSFTPClient.DataAvailable()
at SBSimpleSftp.TElSimpleSFTPClient.DoMessageLoop()
at SBSimpleSftp.TElSimpleSFTPClient.Open()
at ctlRemoteBrowser.ConnectThread(Object o_id) in C:\git\code\VisualCron\AnyConnect\ctlRemoteBrowser.vb:line 1640

what is the neaning of this error, what is to be done to have connection?

Hi, this could mean a couple of things, but the most common problem is that the algorithms aren't correctly set.
Here's one way to find out how to set up your algorithms: Download a free program called FileZilla and connect to the SFTP via that software. Before connecting, go to the settings of filezilla and enable "Verbose"-level logging. Then connect, then email us the log output at and we'll help you out setting the correct algorithms in your connection setting.


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