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  •  Ujma
  • Paid support Topic Starter
Hi there,

I am trying to rename multiple files in same folder, adding current date and removing special characters from filename.

but even if I have checked "Overwrite if existing" it still adding date every time when job run.

New File name Mask (this is what I am using) : {PATH(GetFileNameWithoutExtension|{LOOP(CurrentValueX)})}_{DATEFORMAT(yyyy_MM_dd)}{PATH(GetExtension|{TASK(Active|SourceFolder)}\{LOOP(CurrentValueX)})}

{REGEX(Replace|{NEWNAME()}|[- ()_ ,]+|_)} - this is what I am using in Post process mask.

I want to add date only once no matter how many time job run, can you please help me with this ?

Thank You,

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Originally Posted by: Ujma 

Hi there,

I am trying to rename multiple files in same folder, adding current date and removing special characters from filename.

but even if I have checked "Overwrite if existing" it still adding date every time when job run.

New File name Mask (this is what I am using) : {PATH(GetFileNameWithoutExtension|{LOOP(CurrentValueX)})}_{DATEFORMAT(yyyy_MM_dd)}{PATH(GetExtension|{TASK(Active|SourceFolder)}\{LOOP(CurrentValueX)})}

{REGEX(Replace|{NEWNAME()}|[- ()_ ,]+|_)} - this is what I am using in Post process mask.

I want to add date only once no matter how many time job run, can you please help me with this ?

Thank You,

You can either change the filter of the name so it doesn't pick up the processed files again, or (the most convenient solution) would be to create a new folder and have the processed files placed in that new folder - so it doesn't re-process them again


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  •  Ujma
  • Paid support Topic Starter
Thank You, I will try this out
In your list files task, check the boxes for "use file exclusion" and "is regex" and use this following regex which will exclude files that already have the date right before the extension:


This regex matches a string that ends in *_9999_99_99.* where:
* = anything
_9999_99_99 = 4 then 2 then 2 digits
\..*$ = a literal dot followed by anything until the end of the string
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