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I had to add a task near the top of a large job and was driven almost insane by having to click that tiny moving arrow repeatedly. PLEASE let me drag a task up to where it needs to go instead of clicking those tiny little arrows!

Thank you!
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I want the same thing!

Another solution would be to be able right click on a task in the job, and choose 'Add task below current task'. It would then be inserted in the correct position immediately.

Originally Posted by: Gary_W 

I had to add a task near the top of a large job and was driven almost insane by having to click that tiny moving arrow repeatedly. PLEASE let me drag a task up to where it needs to go instead of clicking those tiny little arrows!

What you can do is click once on the task to highlight it, then just overwrite the Task order number at the top of that window.
Well, don't I feel silly! I never even noticed that was there! I still want to be able to drag and drop, but that will be a real boon to my mental health.
Thank you!!!
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