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I am attempting to download and delete files from a SharePoint site.

The downloading works just fine, but I cannot seem to delete them.

I have tried checking the "Delete source file after download" on the Download file(s) task and that does not seem to work. It downloads the file, so it obviously sees it. I have also tried just the Delete files(s) task, but that doesn't seem to delete it either. I run the test within the task to see the files and everything comes up fine.

Is this a known bug?
Forum information
Nevermind, we are on version 9.3.0 and I just checked the release notes for 9.3.5 and saw that the bug was fixed there. I will update our server and clients to see if that fixes the issues.
Originally Posted by: zfemmer 

Nevermind, we are on version 9.3.0 and I just checked the release notes for 9.3.5 and saw that the bug was fixed there. I will update our server and clients to see if that fixes the issues.

Great. Let us know if you are still having issues with it after the update.

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