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I'm having trouble getting on with a job without waiting for a process task to finish.

I have a loop in VC to run a .bat process with different parameters and I don't need to wait until each process finished. I want to execute the process and continue with the next step, but I can't. Someone knows how to do it and want to help me? 😅

Thanks in advance.
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It depends a bit on what behaviour you want from the job itself. You can achieve this by by putting the execute script (batch) task in a separate job. Then you call this job in the loop and uncheck here:


The problem is that the job itself will complete with success immediately after all the batch scripts have been triggered (I think). If that is ok with you, then this method works. However, you may prefer this solution: Job starts, fires of all batch scripts async, then waits until all are completed, and finally ends job with result (success/failure). If this is what you need, I have to think a bit longer 🙂
Originally Posted by: thomas 

It depends a bit on what behaviour you want from the job itself. You can achieve this by by putting the execute script (batch) task in a separate job. Then you call this job in the loop and uncheck here:


The problem is that the job itself will complete with success immediately after all the batch scripts have been triggered (I think). If that is ok with you, then this method works. However, you may prefer this solution: Job starts, fires of all batch scripts async, then waits until all are completed, and finally ends job with result (success/failure). If this is what you need, I have to think a bit longer :)

Thanks thomas, it works!

I created another job with just the .bat execution. I called to this job from the main job with the async option and I created a loop that checks if all the .bat executions were finished.

Finally, I send a notification with the main job execution time.
Nice one! Dindn't think of the loop at the end there, that's clever
Great! Thanks for the help, thomas!

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