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  •  BobJ
  • Paid support Topic Starter
Through a separate VC job that has several tasks, we kick off an executable each night which runs for a variable amount of time. Generally, the process completes within 4-5 hours, but occassionally longer. If it runs beyond 9 hours, we want to be alerted that the job is still running and that it may have encountered a probelm - or at least needs to be reviewed.

Can anyone suggest how I might monitor for something like this and send a email alert if the process runs too long?
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  •  BobJ
  • Paid support Topic Starter
I figured it out. I created a job with a condition in it looking for the name of the executable I was looking for and established a custom time trigger to monitor beyond the expected completion time. Guess i just had to as the question to think of a solution. Thanks.
Great! Glad you found a solution for it. Thanks for updating.

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