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John Moe
I'm trying to set up an email connection to Exchange Online using Oauth (since basic auth will be retired soon ). I've tried following the guides for SMTP  and Exchange EWS , but neither seem to mention Oauth; they look like they were written before that feature was available.

I've created my service principal in Azure AD, but I'm not sure what permissions it needed? I've given it an Application Permission of Microsoft Graph -> Mail.Send and granted admin consent; is that enough?

I've then entered the following info into a Visual Cron SMTP connection:

  • Main Settings

    • Address -
    • Port - 587

  • Authentication

    • Authentication type - OAuth
    • Use VisualCron registered app - not selected (I presume there's some way to define the registered app within Visual Cron, but I haven't found it yet, and am just trying to get this working here for now)
    • Application ID - from the Service Principal
    • Client Secret - from the App Registration

  • Encryption

    • Cryptographic protocol - TLS
    • Security mode - Explicit
    • Allowed SSL/TLS versions - TLS 1.2 & 1.3

  • Extra settings

    • Tenant ID - From Azure AD
    • Tenant Name - From Azure AD
    • Tenant Primary Domain - <Tenant Name>

However, it doesn't seem to be working. When I click "Test" and enter a to and from e-mail address, I get a popup window in Visual Cron saying "Failure -> Connection test failed. Error: Unhandled error: One or more errors occurred". I'm also not seeing any auth failures in the Azure AD Sign-In logs (under Service Principals), so I presume it's not even getting to the point of trying to authentication to Azure.

Can anyone help me?
Forum information
Originally Posted by: John Moe 

I'm trying to set up an email connection to Exchange Online using Oauth (since basic auth will be retired soon ). I've tried following the guides for SMTP  and Exchange EWS , but neither seem to mention Oauth; they look like they were written before that feature was available.

I've created my service principal in Azure AD, but I'm not sure what permissions it needed? I've given it an Application Permission of Microsoft Graph -> Mail.Send and granted admin consent; is that enough?

I've then entered the following info into a Visual Cron SMTP connection:

  • Main Settings

    • Address -
    • Port - 587

  • Authentication

    • Authentication type - OAuth
    • Use VisualCron registered app - not selected (I presume there's some way to define the registered app within Visual Cron, but I haven't found it yet, and am just trying to get this working here for now)
    • Application ID - from the Service Principal
    • Client Secret - from the App Registration

  • Encryption

    • Cryptographic protocol - TLS
    • Security mode - Explicit
    • Allowed SSL/TLS versions - TLS 1.2 & 1.3

  • Extra settings

    • Tenant ID - From Azure AD
    • Tenant Name - From Azure AD
    • Tenant Primary Domain - <Tenant Name>

However, it doesn't seem to be working. When I click "Test" and enter a to and from e-mail address, I get a popup window in Visual Cron saying "Failure -> Connection test failed. Error: Unhandled error: One or more errors occurred". I'm also not seeing any auth failures in the Azure AD Sign-In logs (under Service Principals), so I presume it's not even getting to the point of trying to authentication to Azure.

Can anyone help me?

Dealing with this via email


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Scott Morgan
Support - How was this issue resolved using exchange ews and oauth?

Can anyone elaborate on the specifics of what one needs to configure to get the exchange ews working with 0365 using oauth?
Jonah Kosfiszer
I also have the same problem. I have a C# app using graph library working fine, but when I try and use the parameters in Exchange EWS connection, I can't get it to work.
Originally Posted by: Jonah Kosfiszer 

I also have the same problem. I have a C# app using graph library working fine, but when I try and use the parameters in Exchange EWS connection, I can't get it to work.

All of you who are having issues with this, please send us an email to - make sure you've read the documentation and set all the properties from the Azure app in to VisualCron

Please like  VisualCron on facebook!
Originally Posted by: Support 

Originally Posted by: Jonah Kosfiszer 

I also have the same problem. I have a C# app using graph library working fine, but when I try and use the parameters in Exchange EWS connection, I can't get it to work.

All of you who are having issues with this, please send us an email to - make sure you've read the documentation and set all the properties from the Azure app in to VisualCron

Hi Michael,

We will email you directly as we are having the same problem.

Michael Fjellström
If anyone else has issues, please send an email to
Will the solution be posted in the end?
Originally Posted by: PapoNL 

Will the solution be posted in the end?

Hi, we are yet to solve the issue with Support. We will post once we have a solution.

Michael Fjellström

Exchange EWS Oauth has been fixed now in our latest beta build which you can download here:  https://www.visualcron.c...aspx?g=Posts&t=10689 

Here is the full, updated documentation for setting it up. Please follow the instructions there: https://www.visualcron.c...HTML/connection-ews.html 
James Boyle
We have upgraded to 9.9.10 and set up an OAuth connection due to Microsoft's turndown of basic auth for POP3/IMAP. However, triggers to download attachments on new email are not firing. Documentation for "on email" triggers still shows only POP3 and IMAP as supported. Are we able to have VisualCron monitor for emails received via a modern authentication method that is still supported?
Michael Fjellström
Originally Posted by: James Boyle 

We have upgraded to 9.9.10 and set up an OAuth connection due to Microsoft's turndown of basic auth for POP3/IMAP. However, triggers to download attachments on new email are not firing. Documentation for "on email" triggers still shows only POP3 and IMAP as supported. Are we able to have VisualCron monitor for emails received via a modern authentication method that is still supported?

Hi James,

Please use the Exchange EWS Oauth method for setting up both SMTP and IMAP. We have full documentation here: https://www.visualcron.c...HTML/connection-ews.html 
Wil Dobson
Originally Posted by: James Boyle 

We have upgraded to 9.9.10 and set up an OAuth connection due to Microsoft's turndown of basic auth for POP3/IMAP. However, triggers to download attachments on new email are not firing. Documentation for "on email" triggers still shows only POP3 and IMAP as supported. Are we able to have VisualCron monitor for emails received via a modern authentication method that is still supported?

Agree with the findings of Mr. Boyle.
Connection to OAUTH EWS works, however getting headers or downloading attachments continually return "Connection to [name of connection] is not authenticated".

I've reached out to support, tried out their suggested v10.0.0.0 beta build, and sent in screenshots of my VC settings / Azure settings.
Support responded "There is an issue with the email trigger/imap functionality now that we are working on. I will let you know when we have a working build up for this."
I too am struggling with this. I've extended basic authentication for my O365 accounts so that I can continue to use SMTP, but with EWS being scheduled to be depreciated I really feel like VC needs to implement OAuth for O365 SMTP just like they have for GMail.
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