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  •  JRaf
  • No customer Topic Starter
I currently have a lot of jobs setup using the file trigger to do some simple moves when a file shows up in a directory. The problem some of the directories I am watching are on a different server. The credentials to that server are stored and when activated all the jobs work fine, however when the server being watched for files reboots, all of the file triggers become inactivated and i get a pop-up for each one saying they have been so do to the directory not existing.

Reboots/crashes are bound to happen and if it happens night or over the weekend (as it did in this case) we miss out on the jobs having to be run 2 or 3 times each so it all as to be done manually and then also all jobs with the disabled trigger have to be re-enabled one by one which is also a very manually intensive job to have to do.

I understand the triggers need to be activily checking the directory but is there any way that the triggers can also re-enable one the directory is available again? Or a notification of disabling and a way to reenable multiple triggers at once would also work in this case.

Forum information
Yes, there are settings for handling this:

On error reconnect attempts

On error reconnect interval

Please adjust these values on the File Trigger.
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  •  JRaf
  • No customer Topic Starter
thanks for the quick turnaround! guess that is why i am still a newb.
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