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I'm trying to get the Remote Execute task working on a Windows 2008 R2 target machine, but I'm stuck.

I followed the steps in the documentation: https://www.visualcron.c...ss_-_remote_execute.html 

and got it working on a windows 2012,
when following the same steps on Windows 2008 R2 I keep getting this error in task output:

Exception in Task: System.Exception: Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow.
Exception in Task: System.Exception: Non zero exit code

when enabling "Use fallback method" I get the following error:

Exception in Task: The RPC server is unavailable. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800706BA)
Exception in Task: Non zero exit code

I tried disabling the firewall completly -> no change
I tested the connection with WBEMTest (under the correct user) -> I can enumerate the classes on the remote namespace
I checked if the RPC and RPC locator service are running -> they are running
I disabled UAC -> no change
I added the remote user to the local administrator group -> no change

Is there anything else I can check or test?
Forum information
Originally Posted by: DgzVlaanderen 


I'm trying to get the Remote Execute task working on a Windows 2008 R2 target machine, but I'm stuck.

I followed the steps in the documentation: https://www.visualcron.c...ss_-_remote_execute.html 

and got it working on a windows 2012,
when following the same steps on Windows 2008 R2 I keep getting this error in task output:

Exception in Task: System.Exception: Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow.
Exception in Task: System.Exception: Non zero exit code

when enabling "Use fallback method" I get the following error:

Exception in Task: The RPC server is unavailable. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800706BA)
Exception in Task: Non zero exit code

I tried disabling the firewall completly -> no change
I tested the connection with WBEMTest (under the correct user) -> I can enumerate the classes on the remote namespace
I checked if the RPC and RPC locator service are running -> they are running
I disabled UAC -> no change
I added the remote user to the local administrator group -> no change

Is there anything else I can check or test?


For this i suggest you send an email to and include details (and screenshots of how you've set it up)


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