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maybe i missed someting but i can not findout the reason for the following behavior.
When i write to the output from a Powershell, the output get cut after 2.04kb. Is this a limit from Visual Cron, or from Powershell? Is there a way to avoid that limit?

Here some example Code with i tested the behavior. The output get cut after line 36, but the script runs without any issus.

for($x=0; $x -le 1000; $x++) {
	write-output ("$x abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 !§$%&/()=? END")

Thank you for your Help.
Forum information
Assuming you are looking at the output by double-clicking on the output text box and viewing the resulting popup window, you'll want to click on "get full output" at the top.
The "get full output" Button is grayed out. But i found out that the full output generated by the Powershell is passed to the next Task. So is not an issue to me.
Originally Posted by: Caliban 

The "get full output" Button is grayed out. But i found out that the full output generated by the Powershell is passed to the next Task. So is not an issue to me.

Could you send a screenshot of the whole output window to

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Originally Posted by: Caliban 


maybe i missed someting but i can not findout the reason for the following behavior.
When i write to the output from a Powershell, the output get cut after 2.04kb. Is this a limit from Visual Cron, or from Powershell? Is there a way to avoid that limit?

Here some example Code with i tested the behavior. The output get cut after line 36, but the script runs without any issus.

for($x=0; $x -le 1000; $x++) {
	write-output ("$x abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 !§$%&/()=? END")

Thank you for your Help.

Hi, Caliban, I think you can change output limit in Server settings window.

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