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I upgraded to to 9.6.0 to take advantage of some of the recent fixes in the application (thank you for these).

I am finding the new font that is used as part of the interface refresh a challenge to use however. I think the combination of the weight of the font is too light and makes it difficult to read when combined with the slightly larger size, and reduced spacing of the grid in the updated interface (regardless of the theme that is applied).

My major issue is the manipulation of text in the variable window, and other areas like the email body where the variables are used and manipulated. The selection of the strings does not correspond to the characters selected. If a full line is selected, the visual still shows characters unselected in the string and makes the copy and paste of various sub-sections of a variable difficult to deal with. I have taken to copying the variables to an external text editor to do the manipulations and then pasting the entire working string back into VC. It also appears like the metrics of the font itself has issues when displaying spaces in strings. You can see both of these in the screenshot attached. The selected variable is the full string selected but has two characters unselected. The value preview below looks to have no spaces in the string at all between the words.

Is there anything that can be done about this?

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same problem here, especially if there are lots of pipes.
can we change the font to a system like font ?
I agree too. The font size is difficult to read. I also agree a system type font would definitely make it easier to read. Also...would you consider adding back the "original theme"? And make this the default and allow folks to pick.

Thank you.
Originally Posted by: beechc 

I upgraded to to 9.6.0 to take advantage of some of the recent fixes in the application (thank you for these).

I am finding the new font that is used as part of the interface refresh a challenge to use however. I think the combination of the weight of the font is too light and makes it difficult to read when combined with the slightly larger size, and reduced spacing of the grid in the updated interface (regardless of the theme that is applied).

My major issue is the manipulation of text in the variable window, and other areas like the email body where the variables are used and manipulated. The selection of the strings does not correspond to the characters selected. If a full line is selected, the visual still shows characters unselected in the string and makes the copy and paste of various sub-sections of a variable difficult to deal with. I have taken to copying the variables to an external text editor to do the manipulations and then pasting the entire working string back into VC. It also appears like the metrics of the font itself has issues when displaying spaces in strings. You can see both of these in the screenshot attached. The selected variable is the full string selected but has two characters unselected. The value preview below looks to have no spaces in the string at all between the words.

Is there anything that can be done about this?

Could you provide us with a variable example that produces this issue? And where it would be placed, so I can reproduce and see it for myself

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Screen Shot 2021-02-03 at 9.50.49 AM.png

My apologies. I had uploaded an image, but the link did not show.

I just upgraded to 9.6.5, and I'm having the same problem. It doesn't happen in all windows, but in some the cursor does not line up with the text. Here's an example where I used a Shift-arrow combination to select a single character:
Pressing <del> here will delete the "m".
Originally Posted by: MRomer 

I just upgraded to 9.6.5, and I'm having the same problem. It doesn't happen in all windows, but in some the cursor does not line up with the text. Here's an example where I used a Shift-arrow combination to select a single character:
Pressing <del> here will delete the "m".

Thanks. We are still working on this

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In our latest 9.8.0 beta version you can select font in the Client settings, please test it here: https://www.visualcron.c...aspx?g=Posts&t=10285 

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Hi Michael,

This is great. I appreciate the effort put into this. We can now switch the grid to Comic Sans which makes it infinitely better. 😉

If I may make a couple of suggestions based on trying to select a font face that works for me.

1. I think there needs to be an option to control the size of the font selected, and for me specifically in the grid. I find switching to some of the fonts specifically designed for UI/UX are just too small to read. For reference, I am running 2560x1440 on my screen. I switched to Segoe UI for example, and it is just a little too small. It seems to match the size of the display font in the Explorer window, but the use is just a little different in the grid and interacting with the extra content in the grid. Same goes for OpenSans which was an alternate go to for good rendition on screen and readability.

2. Some ability to control the spacing of the grid would be helpful as well. A little more space between the rows would assist in readability, but needs to be in proportion to the font size selected and the character height.

3. The task list and variable pallets would benefit from the same font size controls; in my case increasing by a point or 2.

Originally Posted by: beechc 

Hi Michael,

This is great. I appreciate the effort put into this. We can now switch the grid to Comic Sans which makes it infinitely better. 😉

If I may make a couple of suggestions based on trying to select a font face that works for me.

1. I think there needs to be an option to control the size of the font selected, and for me specifically in the grid. I find switching to some of the fonts specifically designed for UI/UX are just too small to read. For reference, I am running 2560x1440 on my screen. I switched to Segoe UI for example, and it is just a little too small. It seems to match the size of the display font in the Explorer window, but the use is just a little different in the grid and interacting with the extra content in the grid. Same goes for OpenSans which was an alternate go to for good rendition on screen and readability.

2. Some ability to control the spacing of the grid would be helpful as well. A little more space between the rows would assist in readability, but needs to be in proportion to the font size selected and the character height.

3. The task list and variable pallets would benefit from the same font size controls; in my case increasing by a point or 2.


Thanks for the feedback! Even though these are related to the threads topic - I suggest creating a feature request with the suggestions in our Feature request sections on the forums here


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