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In 9.6.0, the green progress bar showing job completion percent stopped working correctly. It reaches 99% very quickly and stays like this until job completion. This is constantly happening and I did not alter any job or other settings after upgrading to 9.6.0
For example, the progress bar percent for a job that is taking approx. 1.5 hrs. reaches 99 % after 1 minute and this keeps happening every day.
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Originally Posted by: Thales 

In 9.6.0, the green progress bar showing job completion percent stopped working correctly. It reaches 99% very quickly and stays like this until job completion. This is constantly happening and I did not alter any job or other settings after upgrading to 9.6.0
For example, the progress bar percent for a job that is taking approx. 1.5 hrs. reaches 99 % after 1 minute and this keeps happening every day.

Hi Thales,

I know it's been some time since you made this post, but could you provide details to us about this via email please? Also, the job/output is not affected , just the visual part?

Mail us at please

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