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We want to use VisualCron to send out email over SMTP, using our client's SMTP server. Their server requires the addition of some custom X-headers into the SMTP message. Can VisualCron handle this at all? I would imagine that this would be added in the 'Add Connections' dialog, but I can't find any settings relating to SMTP headers.
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Originally Posted by: philbert 

We want to use VisualCron to send out email over SMTP, using our client's SMTP server. Their server requires the addition of some custom X-headers into the SMTP message. Can VisualCron handle this at all? I would imagine that this would be added in the 'Add Connections' dialog, but I can't find any settings relating to SMTP headers.

Hi Philbert,

We responded via email, but for others to see as well: We do not support custom x headers currently, that would be a feature request

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