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  •  ErikC
  • Paid support Topic Starter

Not posted a while, but today I installed 9.9.6 and I have imported a SSH key. I can see this key in my SSH Keys section using the ribbon.
In a SFTP connection, I can set the authentication type to Public key. Here I can select my just imported SSH key. I can save the connection.

Now open the connection again, select 'Noy Keys' from the dropdown, save it, and than the magic happens. There is now a copy of my SSH key in de SSH key section and in my SFTP connection, there is a key selected, but I just selected No keys...

There is something going on here which is not right.

Uses Visualcron since 2006.
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Originally Posted by: ErikC 


Not posted a while, but today I installed 9.9.6 and I have imported a SSH key. I can see this key in my SSH Keys section using the ribbon.
In a SFTP connection, I can set the authentication type to Public key. Here I can select my just imported SSH key. I can save the connection.

Now open the connection again, select 'Noy Keys' from the dropdown, save it, and than the magic happens. There is now a copy of my SSH key in de SSH key section and in my SFTP connection, there is a key selected, but I just selected No keys...

There is something going on here which is not right.


Hi Erik,

I can't seem to reproduce this. Could you create a video snippet or similar and show? I created a completely fresh new SSH key pairing in visualcron to test this, along with a new sftp connection - maybe you can test that too and see if you can reproduce?

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  •  ErikC
  • Paid support Topic Starter
Send a movie to your email to show what is happening.
Uses Visualcron since 2006.
Michael Fjellström
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