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We only use Azure AD no online exchange but exchange on premise

Authentication is succesfull but mailbox doesnt exist
Connection test failed. Error: Unhandled error: No such host is known

anyone know with this issue?
What did i do wrong?
Forum information
oke, we know now;
SMTP setting is working.

imap isnt working.
Connection test failed. Error: Unhandled error: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond

EWS still isnt working
when testing connection no such host

Oath2.0 is working but we don't use an hybrid exchange.

The servers can see each other.
and back on track:

In connections when we use test connection we still get the error no such host found.
But when we go the the job the job is still working and we can open the mailbox.

Michael Fjellström
Originally Posted by: PapoNL 

and back on track:

In connections when we use test connection we still get the error no such host found.
But when we go the the job the job is still working and we can open the mailbox.

Can you download our latest official release and see if it works better for you now?
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