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fabrizio carboni
Hi all,
I need to loop the PDF files on my directory, so for each PDF I need to scan the BARCODE (the rectagle position are the same for each file).
I set the task
Folder: my folder
mask: {LOOP(CurrentValueXArray|0)}
so i opened the first file on my directory to define the rectangle area and the variable name.
but when I run my JOB the resul are the same for each file, the variable value is that on the file opened when I've set the job and not the value for each files.
How I can resolve??
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fabrizio carboni
Hi all,
I think this task has one BUG, the result are alway that get on preview scan properties.
In the File Mask i tried to use one file variable get from "directory file list" or by Even Trigger (File) name.
but each time, in each test the variable result are the fist get by file opened when I've set the scan areas
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