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  •  lal
  • No customer Topic Starter
This may be a feature request, but I'll check here first...

I'm interested in being able to convert from UTC, not to the local time zone, but to a choosen time zone.

The particular situation is that I will be receiving filenames with a timestamp in the filename in UTC, and I need to be able to convert the time in the filename to the time zone of the client receiving the file and rename the file with with their time. It won't necessarily be my local time, and it will vary from client to client.

(While it might be possible to do this using a time offset, it would be preferable to do it using a time zone conversion, to avoid mistakes with DST changes.)
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So, basically you need a DATEFORMAT function with a number parameter for -/+ time zone?
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  •  lal
  • No customer Topic Starter
I think so.

So the DATEFORMAT would recognize the source timestamp as UTC, and given a certain parameter, would adjust to the target timezone, similar to a time offset? Would it also automatically adjust for DST in the target timezone?
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