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We've discovered that when our server is rebooted, any jobs that are scheduled to start within the first 5 minutes after the reboot fail with "Task exited with code: 2(The system cannot find the file specified.)"

We'd like to find a way to systematically wait 5 minutes after a system reboot, before proceeding with any other job. I was thinking to add a "Wait 5 minutes" job, with condition of now being within 5 minutes of server startup, and call that as the first task in all of our jobs - but I see that your time-related values are all formatted strings, with no obvious way to do a comparison. Am I overlooking something?

Or, is there a way to make the service wait 5 minutes before starting up in Windows (perhaps with a registry edit), or setting a dependency, which I imagine also probably requires tweaking the registry?


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Never mind, I figured out how to do this. I add a job that is triggered at startup, that sets a user-defined flag, waits 5 minutes, and resets the flag. Now I add a condition to all of my jobs that checks the status of this flag.

These user-defined variables are very handy. Thanks for including them.

Great, there are many ways to do this. You could create a Job with a Wait Task that waits for 5 minutes. Then add a Condtion that does not run other Jobs if this Job is running.
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